

Successful companies often have one thing in common—an owner with a clear vision determined to make important decisions. The company Biopol felt that their flagship brands Barny’s and Alavis were somewhat disunited in their communication, a situation calling for tighter rules.


It was apparent that both brands could maximize their communication potential by establishing a strategic and sustainable creative concept. Doing so would be a great way to increase brand awareness and trust with distributors and customers alike, which hardly ever fails to bring positive business results.

How we did it

Klokan advertising spot
Bestier advertising spot
HypnoX forte advertising spot


This form of communication helped to push the annual turnover of our brand ALAVIS from CZK 60 million in 2015 up to 300 million in 2017, and it keeps on growing. Combined with how well our next brand BARNY’S did, we have taken over more than half the market share in the Czech Republic, we have expanded to other countries and we still have energy to grow.

Last but not least, a word of praise for the personal attitude of your whole team—it was your drive, flexibility and “healthy common sense” that equipped BARNY´S and ALAVIS with a marketing strategy that has beat out competition near and far.

I believe that together we can go even further.